buidlers 🍄 🦫 📻

what’s a buidler?

'bid-lər (also pronounced: 'bid-dəl-lər, 'bil-dər).

a buidler is a human who participates in building the collective reality they want to see in the world. the buidler is an individual who works in the service of their community. the buidler’s first allegiance is to the global and local network of humans in the world.

the buidler cherishes the currency of their community, both financial and social. the buidler does not produce all they need to be self-sufficient in isolation, but offers their best gifts to their community, and is sustained by the community's best gifts to them. the buidler is someone who cares.

a buidler can be a grower, a maker, a cook, a teacher, an artist, a writer, a listener, a connector. the buidler is self- and community-educated, is grounded in deep context as they work to construct the future. the buidler is forever a trickster, a memer, and a curious one, who is never done questioning what it means to be a buidler.

what's the catalog?

we think of the catalog as something like a community-built digital metadata library that can help connect us and our friends to the stories we care about together, mapping not only books but also people's relationships with them. we're focused specifically on organizing the networks of people who care deeply for books, ie. book people, and take inspiration from sites like the open library, letterboxd, and wikipedia.

the catalog is a work in progress. for the latest, subscribe to the buidler news here.

"We can’t put it together. It is together."
—The Last Whole Earth Catalog